Enterprise Architect Add-in Framework Documentation
The EA_FileOpen event enables the Add-In to respond to a File Open event. When Enterprise Architect opens a new model file, this event is raised and passed to all Add-Ins implementing this method. The event occurs when the model being viewed by the Enterprise Architect user changes, for whatever reason (through user interaction or Add-In activity). Also look at EA_FileClose and EA_FileNew.

Namespace: EAAddinFramework
Assembly: EAAddinFramework (in EAAddinFramework.dll) Version: 1.0.4064.9398


public virtual void EA_FileOpen(
	Repository Repository
Visual Basic
Public Overridable Sub EA_FileOpen ( _
	Repository As Repository _
Visual C++
virtual void EA_FileOpen(
	Repository^ Repository


Type: Repository
An EA.Repository object representing the currently open Enterprise Architect model. Poll its members to retrieve model data and user interface status information.

See Also