Enterprise Architect Add-in Framework Documentation
MDG_GetProperty provides miscellaneous Add-In details to Enterprise Architect. This function is called by Enterprise Architect to poll the Add-In for information relating to the PropertyName. This event should occur in as short a duration as possible as Enterprise Architect does not cache the information provided by the function. Values corresponding to the following PropertyNames must be provided: - IconID - Return the name of a DLL and a resource identifier in the format #ResID, where the resource ID indicates an Icon; for example, c:\program files\myapp\myapp.dlll#101 - Language - Return the default language that Classes should be assigned when they are created in Enterprise Architect - HiddenMenus - Return one or more values from the MDGMenus enumeration to hide menus that do not apply to your Add-In. For example: if( PropertyName == "HiddenMenus" ) return mgBuildProject + mgRun;

Namespace: EAAddinFramework
Assembly: EAAddinFramework (in EAAddinFramework.dll) Version: 1.0.4064.9398


public virtual Object MDG_GetProperty(
	Repository Repository,
	string PackageGuid,
	string PropertyName
Visual Basic
Public Overridable Function MDG_GetProperty ( _
	Repository As Repository, _
	PackageGuid As String, _
	PropertyName As String _
) As Object
Visual C++
virtual Object^ MDG_GetProperty(
	Repository^ Repository, 
	String^ PackageGuid, 
	String^ PropertyName


Type: Repository
An EA.Repository object representing the currently open Enterprise Architect model. Poll its members to retrieve model data and user interface status information.
Type: System..::..String
The GUID identifying the Enterprise Architect package sub-tree that is controlled by the Add-In.
Type: System..::..String
The name of the property that is used by Enterprise Architect. See Details for the possible values.

Return Value

see summary above

See Also